Isaiah Chapters 4 The Branch Of The LORD

*The first 6 chapters are not part of the main message The LORD delivered to Isaiah to take to the northern kingdom of Judah (mainly the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin ) and Jerusalem (with the tribe of Levi serving around the temple). But theses chapters are really The LORD delivering a vision for that is meant to prepare Isaiah to be able to deliver the main message that begins with chapter 7

Chapter 4 begins a new paragraph - but we must still go back to the end of chapter 3 because verse 1 begins with "And in that day". What day? One of the times in Judah's future (when Isaiah was written) that verses 3:16-26 apply. Usually the term "that day" in Isaiah will apply two times

1) In and around the 70 desolation during the Babylonian captivity

2) In and after the 7 year tribulation period.

The first is a picture of the second - their future coming to haunt Judah.But I believe Chapter 4 is only about that day in and after Tribulation period.Verses 2 & 3 is the primary reason that I believe chapter 4 is about the time of the tribulation period, the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and into the Eternity of the New Heaven and Earth.


Verse 1: That Day - The Tribulation 
The reproach of the women - barrenness - Children were a token of respect and honor for Jewish women See Gen 30:22-23; Luke 1:24-25.  It could be that so many of the Jewish men die during the Tribulation (see Isaiah 3:35) that many of the women remain unwed and virgins, disgraced among their people.

There could be another reproach. In chapter three the women of Judah had become an abomination to God. Verse (3:16this is one reasons for the scattering foretold by Isaiah). Verses 17-26 describe the way The LORD will deal with those women. Read Deuteronomy 28:56-57. I believe this applies to the Babylonian captivity (Daniel 1:1) but could also be a picture of what is going on in Jerusalem during the Tribulation.

Verse 2: A different “That Day” The branch

Verse 4:2 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

Who is the branch of the LORD-
In Jer 23:5, 33;15; Zec 3:8; 6:12 - we see in these verses Branch and BRANCH are seen. The capital letters show that Christ in different roles- Christ the Lord, the Messiah,  Son of God, Christ the King in His deity.
John 15:4-5 - Jesus is the vine the vine is the main Branch -BRANCH from the roots- the Jews are the branches , John 15:14 - Only Jews who are in Christ can produce fruit. - Here in 4:2 I believe the branch is speaking of the Jews who are saved during the Trbulation period and escape death to enter into the 1000 year Kingdom. Only those who bough their hearts in worship The One on the throne cane be declared
beautiful , only those whose iniquity is removed can be called glorious


Verse 4:3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:

This verse is the deciding factor in my stating this only applies to the time after the Tribulation period through the eternity of the New Heaven and New earth.

Not Revelation 3:5 this verse is to the church


Verses 5-6 - Israel, those who escape the Tribulation, during the Millennial Kingdom are washed clean, refreshed, sheltered and nurtured by The Lord. They walk in the light Isaiah call them back to in 2:5 -
Read Malachi 3:1-4, The tribulation is the ultimate refining of Israel. How many Jews will enter the Kingdom -  Zech 13: 1, 7-9. Only His remnant.