Chapter 51:17-23- Wake up Israel

In the last two lesson we saw the Jews wanted the LORD to show himself to them as He did to their fathers. Then they would believe. The LORD declared to them if that is the LORD you want here I AM.

The LORD was telling Isaiah to record what the Jews would be saying after the sign of Cyrus came true and they rejected the offer of His comfort. As a nation the same thing happened when Christ was born and showed them many signs and wonders; they also rejected the offer of His comfort. When the nation rejected Cyrus they were rejecting the LORD. . 400 years no signs and wonders until Moses - 70 in Babylon no signs and wonders until Cyrus and For 400 years after Malachi there were no more signs and wonders for their eyes to see until the birth of Christ - The nation rejected Moses, The nation rejected Cyrus, the nation rejected Christ  - now for 2000 + years there have been no signs and wonders for the nation of Israel to see, the next sign the nation of Israel will see: the rapture of the church and the seven year tribulation period ending with the sign of the fall of Babylon and The LORD coming in His glory - the remnant will believe and a nation of redeemed Jews will escape.  Their past is their future coming to haunt them.


See why verse 51:17 - begins with awake, awake and stand up Jerusalem - Take notice see what really is happening. Jerusalem you have taken every drop of the cup LORD's wrath, even the dregs or settlings   and the bottom of the cup, to the point of drunkenness and trembling. [Isa 40:2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins] [Isa 5:4 What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?] Psalm 75:8 - Jerusalem has suffered at the hand of the enemy that the LORD (Chapter 49: no mercy) Like squeezing and pressing out every drop of wine and only the dregs are left; that is Israel and Jerusalem before Ezra 1:1.

Verse 51:18 - no one among the sons of Jerusalem to guide them  After Nehemiah comes Malachi than 400 years with no prophets. They rejected the comfort offered by The LORD through Cyrus -

400 in Egypt - 70 years at the hand of Babylon - 400 after Malachi - Each of these three times comfort was offered and rejected for 2000+ years,  which leads to the 7 years of tribulation and the LORD wringing out the wickedness of His people again bringing but "That Day "will bring comfort that a remnant will accept unto eternal comfort & consolation.

Verse 19 When the two things the drunkenness & trembling of verse 17 came upon them no one felt sorry

them - Instead of pity coming, desolation, destruction, famine and the sword came upon them. You rejected my prophet I sent, you rejected my comfort offered through Cyrus - They rejected the comfort

offered through Christ - no pity only desolation, destruction, famine and the sword until you can't stand anymore. Mt 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. The wrath was subsided after 400 years, than after 70 years, than it will after 7 years.

Verse 20 - Could they be laying drunk in the streets. Remember Isa 5:11,22 & 28:1 - they were proud of their ability to drink strong drink and not be affected - They couldn't take the strong drink after all. Being drunk with wine a picture of being drunk with the fury of the LORD - Could they have said to the LORD "What you throw at we will be able to stand in our strength."? -

Verse 21 - He tells them to first awake now hear this - afflicted (Verse 19) - drunk with not wine -Isaiah 30:1 - De 29:19 And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst: become controlled by their sins led to being drunk in the fury of  The LORD. (Isa 29:9)

Verse 22 - The LORD is going to remove the cup of the wrath  and trembling from His city (verse 17)

for ever - "That Day" - (The trembling from the drunkenness of their iniquity)

Verse 23 - the cup will be given to those who have brought the desolation, destruction , famine and sword upon His people [Isa 47:6; 49:24-26]

Does this removing of the cup of The LORD's fury from Jerusalem's sons ad a little light upon what Jesus stated in Mt 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Here the hope of Judah - The LORD will remove His cup of wrath from His people and pass His wrath upon those who afflicted them without mercy. Isaiah 47:6

.Next Lesson Isaiah 52.