Isaiah Chapter 6 - Isaiah’s Call Part 2

Verse 5 - Isaiah saw himself compared to the Lord and I believe he was about to die. Here Isaiah was allowed to look into the most holy pace of the temple and see the glory of God, this usually meant death. But we will see God’s mercy next week. You could not look in the Most Holy Place, you can not be in the presence of the Glory of the Lord, see the thrice Holy Lord God with out becoming undone. {to be dumb or silent; hence, to fail or perish; trans. to destroy:--cease, be cut down (off), destroy, be brought to silence, be undone} [Other examples Gen 16:13; 17:3; Judg 13:22; Da 10:15,17.]
Unclean Lips - Ps 59:12; Heb 13:15
Isaiah knew he was unfit to stand in the presence of The LORD. He was a man of sin. Isaiah was not ready for service, he had to experience something else before he could serve the Lord.

Verse 6,7: A seraphim is given a task to perform - take a tong and remove a fiery coal from the alter and place it upon the “unclean, sinful” lips Isaiah
This alter would in the court where the priest would sacrifice for their sins before they could serve in the temple (holy place). The tabernacle in the wilderness and Solomon’s temple were replicas of the temple in Heaven.
Here is no animal sacrifices on the heavenly alter - something special is - Rev 8:3

The very sin Isaiah confessed is represented what Isaiah was called to do - Deliver The Lord Prophesy to Judah and Jerusalem.
When the red coal is placed on his lips a miracle happens his lips are not unclean anymore. His sins were taken away. Isaiah was cleaned up Jer 1:1-9
Before Isaiah could serve the LORD he had to learn that on his own he was unfit to serve. His lips were not fit to speak the words the Lord was going to give him to speak. Isa 1:2 ¶ Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken.
We better understand there is no one fit to serve Jesus Christ. It is only through His redeeming blood that we can be declared by Christ to be fit for service. Then we better speak His Word not ours.
God’s mercy and grace was extended to Isaiah. He was now ready for verse 8.

Verse 8 - Isaiah statement “Here am I send me”
Could he have said this at the end on verse 5?
Isaiah knew through God’s grace he was made whole, what else could he do; what other option was there but serve the Lord God who removed his iniquity and purged his sin.

Verse 9 The Lord’s response to Isaiah’s willingness - God’s task for Isaiah tell a people that will not hear but won’t understand, see the truth but they won’t get it. They would know Isaiah was from the Lord and he had a message from Him; but they just would not accept the truth. Isaiah knew the outcome before he delivered the message. The main point of Isaiah message - you will listen and see but you will just not get it.

Verse 10: Why won’t they repent - they have heavy ears that will not allow them to hear and eyes that are shut so they can not see. They are oblivious the truth they have heard and seen and will continue to oblivious to what Isaiah will bring to them.
Verses 11-12 - How long will Israel be this way until they get in so deep there is only one way out
Verse 13 - There is a remnant - God always has a remnant (1Ki 19:18; Romans 9:27; Romans 11:5)
(We are not done with verses 10-13)
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