Chapter 1- Introduction - Who, When & Why

Who - Writer - Isaiah - The Lord has saved, the salvation of the Lord - Father Amoz (strong, robust, [steadfast minded)- 13 times in the Bible Isaiah is mentioned as the son of Amoz -
Salvation is of the Lord - The Son of a strong steadfast minded Father. God has never changed his mind concerning Israel and Jerusalem - God’s plan for the Jews will be fulfilled. They will be saved through His power.
Numbers 12:6-8 - Isaiah was a prophet who recording a vision from God.
Written to: Judah - tribes of Judah & Benjamin (probably the tribe of Levi{2Crom 29:4}serving around the temple.) -  and Jerusalem - God’s Holy City - Where the temple was and the center of worship.

When recorded:
Uzziah, - (10 th King of Judah) - Did That which was right in the sight of the Lord 2Cron 26:4
Jotham - (11) - Did That which was right in the sight of the Lord 2Cron 27:2
Ahaz - (12) - Did That which was not right in the sight of the Lord, Possibly the most wicked king of Judah
Hezekiah - (13) - Did That which was right in the sight of the Lord - 2Cron 29:2 - The best king of Judah

Why this book
But the House of The Lord had become in need of repair ( 2Cron 29: 1-4), the priest had become polluted they need to sanctify themselves and the temple. Isa 1:21 - Jerusalem had become a den of murderers. Their sacrificed had become just vain repetition, they meant nothing to those who brought them and they meant even less to God. Judah was getting ready to fall.
Isa 1:10 there was an way to delay they had to get right with God
Isa 1:20 if they do not turn back judgment would come.
There was not going to be a revival among people of Judah. 70 years of captivity in Babylon was coming

Ahaz was going to be king and he would lead the people in disbelief
Something was going to happen after Hezekiah - his son Manasseh
2Kings 20:1 it was Hezekiah’s time to die - he prayed to God and was given 15 more years - Isaiah delivered this message of a longer life. During this time he showed all the wealth of Judah to Babylon. Also it was about the third year of extra years Manasseh was born, .a wicked King of Judah. 1Kings 21: 1-18, 2Cron 33:1-10

*There is a rest of the story of Manasseh
2Cron 33:11-17 Manasseh did remember the God Of his father in time of trouble. He repented and built up the alter of The Lord. He changed but the people did not. They may have sacrificed to God but in high places not the true alter. Their worship was in word and action only not in their heart. The king could order and force them to make the motions of worship but not worship in their hearts. The outcome that followed was a was Amon another wicked king.

Judah was on the path of destruction and Isaiah spent his ministry warning four kings of Judah. In future lessons we will see there was no hope of repentance of Judah, The LORD has pronounced woes upon them.


There was going to be that day when Babylon would enter Jerusalem and Judah would suffer 70 years of desolation so The LORD could purge their iniquity - There will be  “That Day” when The Tribulation period starts and The LORD again brings suffering and desolation upon His people like they have never seen before so “That Day” may come when Israel chooses to stay upon The LORD for eternity. The message from The LORD that is delivered through Isaiah is about these "That Days". Those "That Days" which are now part of Israel's history are pictures of their future. It can be said Israel's past is their future coming back to haunt them.