Isaiah's That Day Chart

That Day When




Babylon Enters Jerusalem

 Daniel 1:1


The 70 desolation / captivity

Spoken of in Isaiah 22:14


Babylon Defeated

Daniel 5:30-31


Cyrus decrees that the Jews return to build the Temple

Ezra 1:1-3


Note: Cyrus reigns the united Israel living relative peace in the land & worship in the temple




Between The That Days

Between Nehemiah and Malachi

Israel returns to disbelief and their sinful ways

400 Years Between Malachi and Matthew

Ministry Of John The Baptist - to the Jews

Ministry of Jesus Christ - to the Jews

The Church Age

The Rapture Of The Church



Tribulation Begins

Revelation 6:1


7 year Tribulation period



The Lord gathers His people Isaiah 11:11  

Christ returns & defeats nations



Christ reigns for 1000 yrs.

Jew live in the land for Millennial Kingdom in peace & worship

New Heaven And New Earth

Eternal Rest-oration. of Israel Isaiah 1:9 - no more curse